This half term, we will be learning about transport.
We will start by reading the story ‘Naughty Bus’ and then we will read a variety of different bus stories. We will also be thinking about journeys we have been on and what we saw on these journeys. Later in the half term, we will be thinking about places we would like to visit (e.g. the moon) and different ways of getting there. At this stage in the topic, we will be reading a variety of books about different forms of transport, both fiction and non-fiction. We will even put our art and D&T skills to the test by making different modes of transport.
The celebration we will learn about this half term will be Chinese New Year (Wednesday 29th January, 2025). We will be creating paper dragons and learning about how Chinese New Year is celebrated. We will also listen to the traditional Chinese New Year story: ‘The Great Race’.
Literacy Focus:
We will be continuing to work on writing simple words and we will begin to develop writing simple sentences focusing on remember all of the words in the sentence. For our reading focus, we will be continuing to learn phonics through Little Wandle, focusing on phase 3 digraphs and tricky words.
Mathematics Focus:
During our maths sessions, we will be focusing on subitising (seeing the quantity without counting). With larger numbers, we will practise conceptual subitising (seeing sub-groups within the quantities). We will continue to look at the numbers 1-5 including recognising, ordering, counting and cardinality (the last number when counting tells us how many altogether). Next, we will look at the composition of numbers to 5 (e.g. 5 can be made of 3 and 2). After, we will explore the composition of 6 and 7 by looking at how it is made of ‘5 and a bit’. Finally, we will be looking at comparing numbers using the language ‘more than’, ‘fewer than’ and ‘an equal number’.
A few reminders:
- Please make sure all school uniform and active wear is labelled.
- As the weather is cooler, please ensure children bring hats, scarfs and gloves and ensure these are labelled.
- Bring a water bottle to school everyday.
- Hear them read as often as possible.
- Read lots of stories to them to support their story telling language.
- Ask your child questions about stories they have read.
- Talk about different transport from the past, present and even future.
Some fun Maths activities.
Free website. Lots of fun maths games.
Learn how much fun counting can be with the Numberblocks - a fun-loving group of numbers who work together to solve problems big and small.
Great, short videos to help with learning sounds, blending words and practising rhyming.
A fun phonics game. Free online and the app is currently free too. Please start at level 1: Teach Your Monster to Read - First Steps.