Reception 2025 & Parent Tour dates

Parent Tours for 2025-26 intake
If your child is due to start reception in September 2025, you are welcome to book a tour to visit our school. You will be shown around our school and have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Please contact the school office on 01245 471338 to book one of our tours. Spaces are limited per tour. (Adults only to attend)
All tours begin at 9.30am and last approximately 45mins.

Tour Dates: 
Thursday 3rd October - completed
Wednesday 16th October - completed
Wednesday 23rd October - completed
Friday 8th November - completed
Thursday 14th November - completed
Friday 22nd November - completed
Thursday 28th November - completed
Friday 6th December - completed
 Friday 10th January (final tour date) - completed
 Supporting Transition
Reception Classrooms