Year 1

Homework is sent out on a Friday and needs to be returned by Wednesday at the latest. DO NOT upload this on Class Dojo unless requested to. The children have brought home a yellow homework book, return this so that it can be marked in school.

Weekly Announcements

Always check weather forecast and provide your child with a named coat if it is going to rain.

Week beginning 3rd February 2025
Book bags and sharing books to be returned 
Group A Forest Schools Class 4 
Group A Forest Schools Class 3 
Homework due in.
PE: outdoor kit to be worn:  Trainers, tracksuit, white t-shirt.
Earrings to be removed
Book bags and reading books to be returned
Sharing books to be chosen in school
PE: indoor kit to be worn: shorts, t-shirt
In Spring 1 our topic is:

Amazing Creatures!


Amazing Creatures

This half term in Year 1 our topic is ‘Amazing Creatures’.


In English the children will be looking a range of stories to develop their grammar and sentence structure. We will also be concentrating on using conjunctions to extend our sentences. At the end of the topic the children will write a simple information book using information they have researched. The children will continue to learn their phonic letter sounds and digraphs and try applying these in their writing as well as developing their reading skills.


In Maths we will be focusing on numbers up to 20. During this term the children will be learning how to add and subtract one-digit and two digit numbers, including zero. They will also learn to represent, compare and order numbers within 20. Throughout the children will be challenged with maths problems to check their understanding.


In Science the children will be learning about the classification of animals. They will be sorting them into different groups such as carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Our investigations this term will develop the children’s prediction skills and they will also use a range of different equipment in their investigations. The children will be participating in Forest Schools to develop their observation and investigating skills.


In Computing the children will continue to learn about e-safety and how to create and debug a set of instructions (algorithm).


Our topic focus this term is History. The children will be learning about a significant person from the past (Mary Anning) and how her actions impacted life as we know now. The children will also be able to investigate fossils in a natural way.


In RE the children will be answering the question: What do Jewish people remember on Shabbat? The children will learn about The Jewish story of creation and relate it to observing Shabbat. They will also look at the symbolism of the key artefacts used in Shabbat.



In Music the children will be discussing: How does music make the world a better place? We will be introducing tempo and dynamics in our music lessons.


We are an active school and we regularly have active/movement times throughout the school day. Our PE lessons this term will focus on gymnastics. The children will also be learning to use balances and rolling, throwing and catching in ball skills. In class we will be discussing our health and well-being and how general hygiene helps with this.


In Art the children will be exploring printmaking using found objects. They will be creating their own prints and making repeating patterns. The children will also be looking at sculpture and creating their own sculptures using clay.

Year 1 is a time of great change for children. Throughout we will encourage the children to become confident and independent learners; and reflect about our school values throughout the school year.


We will continue to use ‘ClassDojo’ as a method to let you know what has been happening in the class and any ways in which you can help your child at home. Please continue to record your reading at home in your home/school diaries.


If at any time you are concerned about your child, please message via ClassDojo.



Year 1 Planning 2024-25

Year 1 Letters

Guides for Parents
Useful websites
Remember..... when playing on the internet keep your password safe and do not share any information with anyone you don't know!

Read on Get On: Helping children read