Year 2

Weekly Homework

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Our topic in Spring 2 is...
Our World Our Future

This half term in Year 2 our topic is Our World Our Future.


This half term in Year 2 our topic is Our World Our Future. The children will be learning about climate change and the positive impact that we can have on the Earth.


In English we will be reading a number of books related to the topic of climate change and global warming. The children will enjoy making predictions, writing in role and thinking about the thoughts and feelings of characters. We will also make comparisons between the books and consider which we enjoy most and why. The children will continue to develop their reading, spelling, grammar and handwriting skills.


During maths we will be continuing to learn our 2,3,5 and 10 times tables. We will multiply and divide with these numbers. We will then move onto measurement. During this work the children will develop their understanding of length and height as well as mass, capacity and temperature.


Within science the children will develop their understanding of animals and humans. They will enjoy closely observing the life cycle of a butterfly. We will also be considering materials and the link to the planet. The children will learn about what objects can be recycled, how the process of recycling happens, where to recycle and thinking of ways to re-use everyday materials and objects.


In Computing we will focus on coding, during which we will introduce the children to algorithms, using repeat and timer commands and debugging. They will use these skills to create a program to retell a story. We will continue to think about online safety and what to do if something upsets us or goes wrong.


In Geography we will think about the impact that humans have on the planet and environment. The children will think about what we can do to reduce the impact on the climate and natural world. For example, saving energy, growing and farming food as well as recycling and use of particular materials. We will also continue to develop our knowledge of continents and countries through looking at particularly affected areas of the world due to climate change.


In RE the children will learn about the Jewish celebration of Passover. They will learn about the traditions associated with the celebration as well as why it is an important part of the Jewish religion.  


In Design Technology the children will be developing their knowledge and skills based around food technology. They will be designing and making a pizza. Children will be practicing mixing, kneading, peeling, cutting and grating. We will also be considering healthy eating and where food comes from.   


Music lessons will focus on preparation for our cross-school performance of ‘Little Muncher’. The children will enjoy singing, dancing, playing musical instruments and acting. Our music lessons will then focus on the children improvisation and composition.


PSHE will include the children working on the topic ‘rights and respect’. We will be thinking about getting on with others, how to deal with a situation when we feel angry, where we feel safe and who keeps us safe, how to look after our environment and how to save and spend money responsibly. The children will also have lessons led by the Education Mental Health Practitioners focusing on ‘me and my feelings’.


We will continue to assess the children’s reading, writing and maths skills, highlighting areas for development through our next step marking and supporting the children to develop these areas.


Please continue to hear your child read and note this in their reading diary, along with completing the weekly homework.



Year 2 planning

Year 2 Letters
Documents for parents

Useful websites:

Read On Get On: Helping children read