Year 2

Weekly Homework

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Our topic in Spring 1 is...
Off to Kenya!

This half term in Year 2 our topic is Off to Kenya: 

This half term in Year 2 our topic is Off to Kenya.


The children will enjoy comparing aspects of life in Kenya and the UK as well as exploring different media and art techniques.


In English we will be reading a number of books, including fiction and non-fiction related to the topic of Kenya, animals and weather. The children will enjoy making predictions, writing in role and thinking about the thoughts and feelings of characters. We will also make comparisons between the books and consider which we enjoy most and why.


During maths we will be working on money and will begin to introduce multiplication and division. The children will name and use coins and notes as well as understand how to give change. As well as this, they will learn new methods of working out multiplication and division as well as develop their reasoning skills. We will continue to count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.


Within science we will be looking at animals and their habitats. The children will learn about microhabitats and investigate the animals they find there. The children will also learn about food chains and how animals survive in the wild.


In PSHE the children will be learning how to keep safe in everyday life as well as online. We will discuss topics including medicine and secrets. The children will think about who they can ask for help if they need it.


Our Geography focus will be around comparing England to Kenya. The children will consider the similarities and differences between the two places. We will think about foods, habitats, houses and daily life. The children will also revisit their prior learning of the continents and oceans. We will enjoy going on walks in our local area to develop our fieldwork skills.


In PE we will develop our dance skills. The children will be taught by a street dance teacher who will be teaching them a range of dance skills! The children will also work on their sending and receiving skills wiht underarm and overarm development in a number of games.


During our computing lessons we will be learning about searching on the internet. The children will begin by learning about the internet and how devices are connected. They will then search online safely and use a range of websites. Throughout the topic the children will be remembering how to stay safe online. 


In Art we will be developing our skills of painting and printing. We will use watercolour paints to create a Kenyan sunset and then move onto thinking about printing techniques. We will use a range of materials during our printing including sponges and tiles.


During RE lessons the children will be learning about the Christian religion and how Christians show they belong to this faith group. Within their learning the children will learn about a baptism and the symbols that Christians use.


We continue to assess the children’s reading, writing and maths skills, highlighting areas for development through our next step marking and supporting the children to develop these areas.


Please continue to hear your child read and note this in their reading diary. Please also send us photos of the weekly homework via Class Dojo.



Year 2 planning

Year 2 Letters
Documents for parents

Useful websites:

Read On Get On: Helping children read